
For improving and sustaining your company's or project health & safety performance, we offer:

Safety Program Manual Creation

Let's assist you in creating, implementing and maintaining a Health & Safety manual to meet legal requirements as well as COR or SECOR requirement if you so desired.

Health and Safety Program Manual development is our specialty, and we can assist you achieve continuous compliance with any of the COR or SECOR Partnerships in Canada.

Safety Audits

We are able to assist your company through each step of becoming COR/SECOR certified.

We will evaluate your safety program, plan and execute solutions and prepare your company for auditing.

A health and safety audit is a comprehensive review of a a company's health and safety management system.


Employers have diverse training needs and pre-made programs do not always suffice. We can create and deliver customized HSE training deliverable at your worksite or in our classroom. We can provide your supervisors and workers with training on your current program and standards as well as industry best practices.

Troubleshooting and Continuous Improvement

Need short-term assistance with a specific issue rather than long-term staffing solutions? We have Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) advisors who can visit your site and draft a written report on problem areas and potential solutions.

Field Safety Supervision

We can provide on-site safety supervision for shutdowns, turnarounds, on-going projects, and the management of internal safety programs. We chair Safety Meetings or Toolbox Talks, conduct hazard assessments, assist in implementing SWP's, SJP's SOP's, etc. We are able to effectively provide site safety coordination.

Temporary Safety Personnel

We provide support for short and long term project personnel, safety personnel for plant shutdowns and turnarounds and vacation/holiday relief.


Small businesses can benefit from having an experienced Safety Representative assigned from one to two days per week or a few days a month. In this regard we offer:

  • Safety training and coaching
  • Mentoring
  • Safety audits and inspections
  • Statistics and record keeping
  • Troubleshooting specific issues/advising on specific challenges
  • Stakeholder liaison
  • Hazard assessments
  • Develop and implement safety programs
  • Field inspections

Safety Program Development

Do you have more than 20 employees? Alberta Legislation requires you have a safety program in place. Our development process is delivered in four-steps:

  • Consultation with the client
  • Creation of a customized safety prgram
  • Review and finalization
  • Training and implementation

 Updating Safety Programs

Have an established safety plan and programs, but need an update?
We can enhance your existing safety management systems and bring them in line with current legislations, regulations and codes.



Why Hire a  Health and Safety Consultant?

  • The majority of companies do not require a full time safety professionals, their safety program can be maintained by the site supervisors with the appropriate training.
  • There are financial benefits of not having a salaried employee especially at slow times while you still have to maintain your safety standards.
  • Maintaining a health and safety program in the proper format is one of the specialities of consultants.
  • Preparing and conducting safety meetings as required by legislation.
  • Meeting and exceeding health and safety audit requirements.
  • Demonstrating due diligence through a health and safety program.
  • Achieving a safer and more productive workplace always.